Sunday, July 04, 2010

Fish House Punch

From Esquire

Celebrate the 4th of July like the founding fathers.... Drunk.

1 1/2 cups superfine sugar
2 quarts water
1 quart lemon juice
2 quarts dark rum
1 quart cognac
4 ounces peach brandy


1. In a large bowl, first dissolve the sugar in enough of the water to do the trick, then incorporate the lemon juice.
2. Next, add the spirits and the rest of the water -- or as much of it as you wish to contribute (less in summer, to allow for meltage).
3. Slip in as large a block of ice as you can procure. (Use your imagination -- if worse comes to worst, a mixing bowl full of water that's been frozen overnight will do the trick; run a little hot water on the outside of the bowl to unmold.)
4. Let stand in a cool place for an hour or so before serving.

Do not garnish with fruit, herb, vegetable, or paper umbrella.